Goat Crew Branch Out Into Car Scents
Goat Crew continue to ignore industry norms and do their own unique thing by releasing a range of scented car air fresheners at Culture Kings.
Until now, Goat Crew have been exclusively fashion and their collections already include an impressive array of products including strapbacks, outerwear and tees, so who knows what they'll release next.
The freshener scents available include citrus, vanilla, black ice and new-car smell. The fresheners are all hanging and range in size from 10x7cm to 11x10.4cm.
There are a total of eight designs available, inspired by hip hop and rap culture. Designs include 'Chance The Rapper Mini Head', 'Tupac Mini Head', 'Kanye West Mini Head' and 'Kush Puppie'.
Smell your car up with a Goat Crew Scented Air Freshener available in stores or online at Culture Kings.